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Navigating the Hungry Gap: A Transition in Gardening

As we enter the vibrancy of spring and welcome back the sun from its winter slumber, gardeners all over the country are eagerly anticipating the summer harvests that lie ahead. 

However, amidst the optimism of the changing seasons, there exists a lesser-known phase in gardening; “The Hungry Gap."

Down at the Calancombe Kitchen Garden, we’re also anticipating the growth the warmer weather is to bring. Yet, as we stand amidst the plant beds, we find ourselves in somewhat of a transition period. 

The kale, chard, leeks, and other autumn and winter harvests are still dutifully providing our Restaurant’s kitchen, however their reign is drawing to a close. 

Meanwhile, the promise of spring and summer vegetables tantalises us from the greenhouse, where tender shoots await their moment in the sun.

March and April are most known in gardening as “the hungry gap” - a period characterised by dwindling winter yields and anticipation for the summer harvests. It is a time when the garden's offerings are scant, caught between the fading of winter and the beginnings of spring/summer.

At Calancombe, we like to use this transitional phase to reflect on our growing techniques of winter, and prepare for what summer is to bring.

Until we’re sure there aren't going to be any more frosty mornings, we’ll tend to the seedlings in the greenhouse, nurturing them until they are ready to take root in the soil.

The hungry gap reminds us of the cyclical nature of gardening, where each season brings its own joys and challenges. It teaches us to savour the bounty of summer while appreciating the resilience of winter crops. 

It is a time of preparation, both in the garden and in the kitchen, as we eagerly await the arrival of fresh salads, succulent tomatoes, and crisp cucumbers.

We can’t wait to see our summer crops in action. To try our home-grown produce for yourself, book a table at our outstanding on-site Restaurant.

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